Hey God, it's me...
Dear God, please help me be more consistent in EVERYTHING! The end, or Amen. This is the story of my life. I beg God for more consistency and then I do well for a few days, weeks, and that is it. I'm back to this same prayer. What do I have to do in order to follow through with 1,664 things I need to do each day? Wait..what? Yes, you read right - each of the 2,458 things I need to do everyday (hmmm, the number just increased a bit). Welp, it's not rocket science, it is literally a matter of taking my 3,789 things I have to do each day and streamlining the list a bit to a manageable few. It's crazy because I tell my sister all the time, " Sissy, it will be there tomorrow, the world will not stop if it does not get done today". So why can't I believe that for myself as well. I set unrealistic expectations on myself and by doing that, I will never be able to finish it all and become upset, frustrated, and just stop doing it all together. Which brings me full circle to my consistency issue.
I decided to cure myself, ha! (cuz that always works) and make a list of priority items that I need to immediately become more consistent with. It's a short list of 3 tasks and that is where I am going to start. It's all about starting and this simple act leads to doing, and doing it again, and again, until it becomes second nature - a habit that you consistently do because you hold yourself accountable for NOT doing it.
Well, that's my prayer anyways!
Remember, you are perfect....